Thursday, November 5, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Our precious little dalmation

Our handsome fireman (who was thrilled when he saw that his mommy had made his face look like he had just fought a real fire!)

Proud mom!

Proud Dad !

DJ enjoying the fall leaves in our front yard

Look at all this candy!!! (This was DJ's first year trick-or-treating and after he got going, after about the 3rd house, he said with much excitement "this is the best day ever!!!")

Happy 1st Birthday Gavin!

We can hardly believe you are already a walking, babbling (not doing much talking yet aside from bye-bye and mama), action-packed little one-year-old!

Gavin definitely approved of his cupcake tree that Lauren and DJ made all by themselves!
We were happy that Lauren (& Grandma) could be here with us to celebrate
Here is Lauren & DJ decorating Gavin's cupcake tree

DJ & Lauren having some fun with the birthday boy (who is riding the gift Grandma got DJ for his first birthday).

So excited!

Fun with Grandma

DJ was a big helper when it came time to open presents. (Before the party I reminded DJ that the presents were going to be for GAVIN to which my little smartie-pants replied, "I will let Gavin share all his presents with me becasue sharing is good to do!")

From the look on DJ's face, he has clearly forgotten about our little talk

Gavin enjoyed his boat for a few moments before his brother . . .

ran off and started a bath for himself just as soon he could sneak out of the room

The hit of the night (aside from the cupcakes) was his new foam-block set

Loving on our little one-year-old!
Thank you Gavin for all the joy you have added to our home! You are truly a sweetheart!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Grandma and Lauren arrived on October 24th and stayed for a week. DJ was sooooo excited to have them here. He has always had an extra special place in his heart for cousin Lauren.
Unfortunately Lauren caught a bug (literally right as she arrived at JFK) that was spreading like crazy amongst her class at school so most of her visit to NY was spent in bed watching movies.
She did occasionally have some energy for fun . . .

But too much fun usually resulted in more time in the bathroom . . .

Poor Lauren!
DJ was soooo excited that Lauren found enough energy to come pick him up from school.

The day I was supposed to take Lauren to NYC ended up in a mother-daughter date to a beautiful restaurant with beautiful views of the Hudson River.

A view from the restaurant (oh, how I wish I had Amy's camera here!)

Lauren, we are so sorry you were sick for most of the trip but we are still so happy you came and spent time with us. Maybe your mom will bring you next time (hint hint Tammy!) so you can see the Statue of Liberty before we move back to California! We love you sweetie (and one question for you . . . how do you still manage to look so pretty even when you're sick?!)

Stepping Stones Children's Museum

A couple of weeks ago I took DJ and Gavin to the Stepping Stones Children's Museum in CT. (best children's museum!) which was a blast and kept them both moving and thinking for hours.
Gavin trying so hard to do it too.

DJ loved the new "Build It" section which featured a "house under construction" for the children to help build. There were walls to paint, pipes to run, things to measure, wallpaper to hang and the list goes on . . . DJ spent most of his time completely focused in here while I chased Gavin around and tried to stay nearby.

Gavin tried to help too for about 30 seconds.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Apple & Pumpkin Picking

We went to Silverman's Farm in CT on Saturday to do some apple picking.

I had a great time this year picking apples with DJ. Daryn was kind enough to carry around Gavin most of the time and let me enjoy the fun (since last year I was a big uncomfortable pregant lady doing this)

my cutie pie!

my other cutie pie so proud of all the apples he picked.

After we picked apples it was time to find some pumpkins for our front yard fall decor.

By the end of the day DJ was fed up with all the picture taking. Here he is yelling "CHEEEEESE" at me.


Gavin waiting for the train to take us to NYC

Yeah! The train arrived on time.

After our train arrived at Grand Central and we walked for about 30 minutes in the rain we decided to take a subway ride to the museum.

DJ, Daddy and some "BIG dinosaur bones!"

"SCAAAARY dinosaur bones!"

DJ determined to catch that bird!

Daryn & DJ outside the Museaum of Natural History

My New Yorker hailing a cab

Gavin enjoying the ride