This is where we stayed (right across the street is Long Sands Beach in the town of York Beach)
We enjoyed the Best Ice Cream at Brown's Old Fashioned Ice Cream right around the corner from the Lighthouse
This just wouldn't be a true reflection of our trip without including this picture (the mood the kids were in most of the time). Due to the cold weather, fussy children, and storms on the way (gotta love summer on the East Coast!) we shortened our trip by 2 days (we were planning to drive further up the coast). The first night home I asked DJ what his favorite thing he got to do in Maine was and he told me, "I LOVED going to the McDonald's with the BIG SLIDE inside!" ( a spot we took a break at on the way home) Needless to say, we CAN'T WAIT until we live near family who will keep our kids while we enjoy vacations like this on our own!