Daryn putting DJ's gloves on him.
DJ loves our "snowmaaaan!!!" --as he calls it.(Mom, thanks for making us the hats and scarf!)
Jenna (our neighbor & our friend) made us this beautiful Gingerbread house
Jenna and DJ stayed warm inside while we picked out a Christmas tree
This was the first time we shopped for Christams trees covered in snow
DJ emptied all of our Christmas boxes for us.
DJ checking out our tree topper
Daddy's big helper!
DJ was mesmerized by all the lights daddy put on the tree
Daddy & DJ show off their new ornaments.Daryn has a MetroCard (a subway ticket) & DJ got a dump truck
We woke up to a winter wonderland this morning. I have to admit I've been excited for our first snow of the year (do I sound like an Eastcoaster now or what!?). I was so happy it happened on a weekend so Daryn could be home to enjoy the day with us. DJ was thrilled to see it from the inside of the house although once we got out into it he wasn't so excited anymore (he is a Californian at heart!). This afternoon we went shopping for a Christmas tree then came home and ate goodies baked by Jenna and I as we decorated it.
DJ has put the wonder back into Christmas for Daryn and I as it is so much fun to watch him get excited over everything (the neighbors lights & decorations, the tree, his new ornament, etc. . .).