Looking like a true New Yorker --walking fast, head down, getting from point A to B in a hurry.
Our final destination --Virgil's BBQ in Time Square. We love this place as it is very loud so DJ can make all the noise he wants while we enjoy the great ribs.
I love the picture of you and DJ in Manhattan. You are so beautiful and he is so darn cute. I want a copy of that one. I bet you are seeing Christmas in a whole different light thru DJ eyes. Cherish the moments,kids grow-up so fast. Can't wait to see all three of you.
DJ looks so old in the second picture and you look HOT in the one with just the two of you.
I love the picture of you and DJ in Manhattan. You are so beautiful and he is so darn cute. I want a copy of that one. I bet you are seeing Christmas in a whole different light thru DJ eyes. Cherish the moments,kids grow-up so fast. Can't wait to see all three of you.
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