I love this yellow plant behind us which is actually a weed that grows like crazy out here in the spring. I am so excited to see it growing in our backyard as it is one of the first signs that Spring has arrived. After taking this picture last Saturday we were off to Jone's Beach on Long Island to celebrate my 32nd birthday.

Gavin's first trip to the beach.

Daddy & Gavin trying hard to pretend it isn't freezing cold.

DJ loving on his little brother (Gavin's new hairdo was just for you Aunt Amy. You should be proud--we caught on a little quicker this time around.)

Gavin loves his rice cereal! We're off to a much better start this time around.

Daddy's little helper planting oregano, basil & dill for our kitchen counter garden (which Gavin has knocked over and dug his fingers into to many times to count)

You know it's baby #2 when husband says to wife, "hey, I'm going to buzz Gavie's hair" to which SECOND-TIME mom simply says "yeah, good idea" (then continues to do the dishes) and lets hubby wander off with baby and start buzzing . . . no questions asked.
Seriously - Gavin is SO CUTE! He looks so chuncky in his thick sweater. And yeah for the hair cut... although it did make him grow up a bit... not good. DJ and Daddy make the best of buds - love it! And you my dear are as pretty as they come!
32 looks so good on you and boy things have changed dramatically for baby #2. He looks so cute and chubby and DJ as enthusiastic as ever. How I miss those boys. Love Gavins hair cut (mommy's response is ions different then after DJ's first cut). Live & Learn mommy, you've got so much more wait'n ahead of you.
Wow Stacey--cereal at six months, hubby gives the first hair cut and your 32nd b-day all while patiently(?) waiting for spring in New York; you've come a long way!
I can't wait to see the precious family in June--I miss you all so much.
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