DJ and Gavin atop a mountain of boxes in our basement (which should help to explain why their mommy has not been keeping up with our blog)

DJ and his beautiful colored Easter eggs

Gavin hanging out in his favorite spot these days.

My big helper

Gavin loves his sandbox

This is literally how we lived for about 3 evenings while our power was out due to the big storm that hit NY a few weeks ago.
While I was busy packing I caught the boys cuddling up to each other while being babysat by the Backyardigans.
There is nothing like those brotherly love moments. They look so cute together.
Glad to see amidst all those boxes you took time to color eggs with DJ. Special times with life long memories that will stay with you forever.Can't wait til you arrive in California 3 more days and DJ, Gavin and I can play.
So fun! Happy Ressurection Day to one of my favorite families on earth!!!! That pic of DJ and Gav is PRECIOUS!!!!
Thanks for last minute NY pictures of life with the California-bound Millers. You have captured some really cute pictures of brotherly love, daring adventure (standing on the table), and the last sled rides from your own backyard!
So glad you are moving back! Send your hubby's resume my way. My BIL has connections. :)
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