Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars is back and DJ has so much fun "dancing" (running and jumping around) to the music and making his mommy laugh.
Burning off that pumpkin bread my mommy let me eat way to much of tonight.
Now that sort of looks like a dance move, right?
Oops! I danced my way into the tv stand.

I needed a break after I got this dancing ouchie.

I give that dance an 8!
(Judge DJ likes to hold up number cards just like the other judges do)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Apples, Apples!

Today we went to Silverman's Farm in CT. to do some apple picking. We've been reading DJ a story called "Apples, Apples" about a family of bears that goes apple picking. DJ was excited that our family got to do it too! He had a blast.

DJ adding one last apple to our 26lb. bag! We'll be busy this week making lots of applesauce, an apple pie and apple doughnuts (DJ's really looking forward to making these) just like the bears do in our story.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I Can't Keep Up!

This is what happens when DJ's mommy is on the phone too long . . . I was certain DJ was watching Thomas the Tank Engine as I was checking something on the internet with Amy (of course!)
These magazines were right next to the computer I was on and I had no idea they were making their way outside! (pretty bad, I know)

DJ told me he was cooking when I saw this mess!

A very nervous DJ smiling for the camera. I think he knew some spankings were on the way! Clearly tired & pregnant Stacey cannot keep up with her two-year-old son!

I'm Daryn Jr.!

Here is our little DJ proudly helping his daddy "build a bathroom." Lately DJ has been really excited about the fact that he is Daryn Jr. When we were at the park yesterday he would run up to kids and say "Hi, I'm Daryn Jr!" in a tone as if to suggest he was the King of England. He is very proud to have his daddy's name and it is so cute. They are truly best buddies!