This is what happens when DJ's mommy is on the phone too long . . . I was certain DJ was watching Thomas the Tank Engine as I was checking something on the internet with Amy (of course!)
These magazines were right next to the computer I was on and I had no idea they were making their way outside! (pretty bad, I know)
DJ told me he was cooking when I saw this mess!
A very nervous DJ smiling for the camera. I think he knew some spankings were on the way! Clearly tired & pregnant Stacey cannot keep up with her two-year-old son!
Clearly, you & Amy are on the phone to long. How much of a clue do you need? It's great to keep in touch but I think you two are stretching it. Just look at the evidence of what a creative little boy of 2 can think to do when left on his own. Wait til Gavin arrives, can you imagine what he can do to or with him when you're distracted? Scarry?! Love You & all your pictures, Mom
Oh my gosh, Stacey! Macy would be camping out all day long in time out if she did that to me. But I guess she's not two yet so we'll see how I handle this type of thing once that happens. You poor tired pregnant girl! At least he's a cutie!!!
Are you trying to say we shouldn't talk so much???
Oh and aren't you glad you took that picture now... so cute and so funny (now that it is over)!
Love you... keep the pictures coming!
Oh and can you make it so I don't have to do the word verification every time I comment... I always get it wrong.
Clearly, you & Amy are on the phone to long. How much of a clue do you need? It's great to keep in touch but I think you two are stretching it. Just look at the evidence of what a creative little boy of 2 can think to do when left on his own. Wait til Gavin arrives, can you imagine what he can do to or with him when you're distracted? Scarry?! Love You & all your pictures, Mom
Oh my gosh, Stacey! Macy would be camping out all day long in time out if she did that to me. But I guess she's not two yet so we'll see how I handle this type of thing once that happens. You poor tired pregnant girl! At least he's a cutie!!!
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