Sunday, September 21, 2008

Apples, Apples!

Today we went to Silverman's Farm in CT. to do some apple picking. We've been reading DJ a story called "Apples, Apples" about a family of bears that goes apple picking. DJ was excited that our family got to do it too! He had a blast.

DJ adding one last apple to our 26lb. bag! We'll be busy this week making lots of applesauce, an apple pie and apple doughnuts (DJ's really looking forward to making these) just like the bears do in our story.


Grandma Howell said...

What beautiful fall pictures and fun follow-up on DJ's storybook. A mom right after my own heart with lots of hands on activities for my little grandson. Be careful what you read in the future no telling what he will want to do next. Luv Ya, Mom

Middleton said...

How cute! I loved this post... you guys sound like the perfect little family. Oh and I so wish my shirt could go as low as your green shirt did in that picture of you and DJ and it still look appropriate on me!!!

Gail said...

What cute pictures! Looks like lots of fun. I have been thinking of making an apple pie, maybe we should find a place to pick apples some ourselves. ~Gail