A very focused DJ decorating his "gingerbready house" as he calls it

Once DJ started to drive the little car we had parked by the front "through the snow!" and knocking the candies off of our gingerbread house I decided we were all done. He also started saying "I need to find my snowplow!" That just didn't sound good.

DJ's first gingerbread house!
Oh... what a cute gigerbready house and aan even cuter builder boy! Let him use the snow plow... I'm curious what he would do with it. We are making ours on Sunday.
I would have loved to seen pictures after the snowplow made a few runs on the gingerbready house. He looks so focused on his project. Who knows, he could be an architect in the making. He needs to discover all aspects of his building projects? Whatever you do don't stiffle his creativity! What's a little icing here and there?
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