Gavin loved his first ride on the roller coaster (the same roller coaster that terrified poor DJ). Gavin stood the entire time he was riding around on it . . . too much excitement to just sit there.

DJ's first roller coaster ride about 2 1/2 years ago. Just got a kick out of their very different reactions to their first ride. (Thanks again Grandma for DJ's 1st birthday present.)
OMGoodness.... Gavin is so cute! His look has changed (although he has always been a cutie!) so much. And I still remember DJ's first experiences with that thing... too cute! Remember mom wouldn't get one for my kids (Kenyon) because it wouldn't be fun enough and they would just get hurt or break it.
OH MY, what a difference between first reactions. Glad to see the boys are still enjoying it. Looks like Gavin will be enjoying it for some time. He is looking sooooo cute and so much bigger. In defense, I still think Kenyon would have tried to balance on the top of the roller coaster while in motion and broken something at a very early age (and Kaden too). They would have and still would find some scarry creative way to play with it. Like one rides standing inside and the other stands on the track and dodges it as it comes around. No way would they just sit and ride safely, it's just not in their dna.
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