We are so happy that Uncle Kyle made a weekend stop at our home during his East Coast business trip. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful brother, Uncle & friend and we are so excited that he's here!

Kyle played "family photographer" for us before we all headed off to breakfast this morning. (It's nice to get all four of us in a picture once in awhile) Thank you Kyle!
Wow... Uncle Kyle is a hottie!
He's lucky to have you guys too and we both appreciate you all treating him to such a nice time! BTW- I LOVE the picture of Kyle with the boys and the picture of you all is precious (even with crazy DJ's silly face).
What a handsome kid (only a parent would call a grown, 30 yr old man, a kid)...most of the pix I have of him, he's making some goofy face! I do have to agree with you - they don't come any better than K...he's one special guy!
PS - we should add great photographer to K's list of talents, too - but then, can't really mess up a pix of your beautiful family. Love the boyz expressions.
Very cute family photo. I tried to set it as my desk top picture, but it "scroogied up" everyone's face so that you all looked like DJ.
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