Saturday, December 1, 2007

Friday Night in Manhattan

DJ happy to be out on the town!

Looking like a true New Yorker --walking fast, head down,
getting from point A to B in a hurry.

Our final destination --Virgil's BBQ in Time Square. We love this place as it is
very loud so DJ can make all the noise he wants while we enjoy the great ribs.

DJ was a big fan of the ribs as well!

Satisfied Customers!
DJ & Daddy enjoying all the lights in Time Square


Middleton said...

DJ looks so old in the second picture and you look HOT in the one with just the two of you.

Grandma Howell said...

I love the picture of you and DJ in Manhattan. You are so beautiful and he is so darn cute. I want a copy of that one. I bet you are seeing Christmas in a whole different light thru DJ eyes. Cherish the moments,kids grow-up so fast. Can't wait to see all three of you.