Saturday, June 28, 2008

Back to California We Go!

In March, we were back to California for a couple of months due to the joys of morning sickness. DJ had lots of fun, especially outdoors with Papa, while I laid on my parents couch most of the time. Thank you mom and dad for your MUCH NEEDED help. You're the best!!!!! Thank you Daryn for flying back and forth so we could stay in California. You're a sweety. DJ loved playing in the dog cage and used the dog bowl as a drum (and a chair).
DJ playing in the dogs water --good thing I wasn't around for most of these activities!

Papa's little helper

At Amy's house, I got to bed early while Kyle put DJ to sleep for me.
(What a wonderful uncle! As if he doesn't have enough kids
to deal with already.)

Uncle Kyle did a great job!

Erin, Brooke & DJ hunting for Easter Eggs at Grandma & Papa's house

On Easter Sunday we had brunch at the Hayes Mansion
with the Miller bunch.

Papa, Nana & the boys

My first trip to the beach! I loved it!

I actually enjoyed being buried by my dad even
though this picture doesn't show it.

DJ, Aunt TaTa and Apache

Silly Papa --I sure do miss you!


Middleton said...

Of course I love the pictures of Kyle and DJ sleeping together. I hope we get many more of the boys together. The picture of the Millers with "the boys" is really cute.

Grandma Howell said...

Great "CALIFORNIA" pictures !!! Sure will be nice when you guys are back for good. Looking at these makes me MISS YOU ALL can't wait to see you again (preferably in CA forever). Love You