Friday, June 27, 2008

DJ's 2nd Birthday Party

Thank you cousins and friends for celebrating with DJ!

Terrance, DJ & Trey

Erin & Adison

Tammy & Brooke

Having fun with my birthday boy!

Terrance, always the great helper with DJ!
Erin, Brooke and Marc

Terrance ready for a match!
Trey, Terrance and Kenyon (DJ getting out of the way!)

So proud of our 2 year old!

"This cake is pretty cool!"

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to . . .
Thank you Aunts, Uncles, Grandma, Papas, Nana and of course
my cousins and friends for making my 2-year old party a blast!!!


Gretchen said...

They all look like they're having a blast, until I get to the final photo. :)

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

Happy Belated Birthday to DJ! It looks like you must be feeling better...glad to see the updates. Great pix!

Middleton said...

That one of DJ crying is so cute and he will love that one when he is older. Reminds me of you at your party when you said "I get to go first because I am the birthday girl and I'm going to take a long time". Just like DJ you didn't even get a spanking!